Cloud Services Management: Public, Private, or Hybrid, We Work with More of Your Providers

This is the fourth article in a series diving deep into the biggest differentiators of our Tangoe One Cloud expense management platform. When comparing Tangoe against other FinOps solution providers, take these items into consideration. Read articles one, two, three, and five.

Chances are you have a more than one cloud environment and multiple cloud services providers (CSPs). TechRepublic reports, 82% of companies are using a hybrid cloud model (mixing public and private cloud architectures), half of which are deploying 2-3 public clouds in addition to their private clouds. Other studies show companies manage as many as 9 CSPs.  

In overseeing that cloud cornucopia, IT leaders want more than a point solution that manages just one or two of their infrastructure services. They need a comprehensive FinOps solution that can track and optimize every cloud under their network umbrella – public, private, or hybrid.  

That’s why Tangoe takes your cloud services management further with our vast ecosystem of partners and integrations that work with more of the services and providers you use. 

Tangoe Delivers Cloud Services Management across More CSPs 

Our cloud expense management platform supports public and private architectures including those from: 

This means that Tangoe can assist customers in wide-sweeping IaaS management, optimizing their cloud infrastructure across different hyper-scaler platforms and private clouds. With one of the industry’s most extensive array of pre-built API integrations, Tangoe facilitates broader data ingestion providing clients with a single-pane view of their multi-cloud environment. This allows for a clearer overall perspective on cloud resource usage and service costs with cloud cost optimization efforts that go much wider than our competitors. 

This is important because most businesses leverage multiple providers for different purposes. Here’s a few quick examples: 

  • If you have high data storage requirements, you’ll likely be leveraging services from AWS, Azure, or GCP. 
  • If you have high demand for compute power, you might be using Azure for its flexibility in virtual machines with different configuration options. 
  • On the other hand, VMware Private Cloud is valuable for businesses that have strict security and compliance requirements or those that need to maintain tight control over their data and infrastructure. 

Benefits of Multi-Cloud Services Management 

With information siloed across multiple CSP dashboards and portals, wrapping your head and arms around the cornucopia of information is a challenge, particularly when IaaS is known for giving clients thousands of line items to process, including costs and usage.

IaaS Visibility with Automated Cost and Usage Analysis 

AWS Cloud Usage Reports (CUR) are massive – so big they can’t be copied into a single Excel spreadsheet. Rather monthly reports come in many separate files. Tangoe takes away that pain, using integration to manage multi-cloud data in a centralized platform purpose built to normalize data across many IaaS platforms and automatically evaluate data streams, applying your custom financial rules and chargebacks directly to cloud expenses. So, the manual work of data collection is removed, and the time-consuming analysis and cloud financial management is done for you. 

A Clearer View of Your All-In Costs for Private Clouds  

In private clouds, the haze is even thicker than it is with CSPs. The problem is IT leaders can’t see the sum of all the parts. Physical hardware and servers are one element. Data center power and utility costs are another. Then there’s virtual servers, software, connectivity, and the people or professional support fees to manage it all. Every element is a separate invoice sent to different people with no single view of the total spending.  

Tangoe wrangles that information, so IT leaders can see every penny spent on their private clouds from VMware. Plus, we help them see the difference between their private and public cloud costs. This way, they can fully define the financial tipping points of their cloud strategy, which guides smarter workload placement policies.  

Essentially, we offer spending observability for hybrid cloud estates, and the service is custom built for every client. When every VMware customer pays different rates, has different types of environments that consume different amounts of power and generate different network costs, Tangoe gives companies a customized view into the all-in price they pay for their private cloud(s).

That clearer view exposes what assets are included in your:

  • Production environment
  • Development environment 
  • QA environment  
  • Staging environment 

IT and financial leaders can also see what assets are a part of a particular software product they might have internally or what the costs are for their individual customers. This observability results in time savings, because you don’t have to dig into the details or try to make rough guesses at cloud expenditures. It’s done for you, and accurate information sharpens your financial management for improved cloud budgeting and forecasting. 

Learn more about private cloud cost management

AI-Powered Cost Savings and Productivity Gains

Cloud services management across a variety of CSPs brings benefits in the form of cost savings and operational efficiencies too. By leveraging Tangoe’s AI-powered platform and expertise, clients can optimize their cloud resource usage, right-size their infrastructure to avoid unnecessary expenses, and identify cost-saving opportunities with the ability to act on them quickly through automation and managed services. In the end, this maximizes cloud return on investment

Ready to talk to Tangoe? Contact us for a free consultation and product demonstration

Don’t Miss the Other Articles in this Series

Cloud Cost Management: Tangoe’s Advanced Approach to Budgeting and Chargebacks

FinOps & Zero Trust Security: How Tangoe Protects Your Financial Data

Why Tangoe for Cloud Services Management? Multi-Cloud Instance Pausing Made Easy

5 Reasons to Select Tangoe as Your Cloud Cost Management Solution