Tangoe Adds Cloud Consulting to its Portfolio of Advisory Services 

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Cloud strategies are rapidly evolving, and Tangoe is pleased to announce a new suite of cloud consulting services supporting CIOs and CTOs as they navigate the ins and outs of cloud transformation.  

Why Now? It’s Time to Rethink Cloud and Trade Speed for Cost-Conscious Thoughtfulness

Today’s IT leaders are rethinking their approach to the cloud as accelerated innovation is being displaced by thoughtful, cost-conscious cloud investments. In years past, companies have rushed cloud migrations with a sense of urgency driven by the idea that corporate innovation was at risk. 

But that attitude is shifting.  

Purposeful purchases are replacing ad-hoc deployments as IT leaders emphasize return on investment, questioning traditional cloud-only and cloud-first strategies. In lieu of rapid cloud adoption for the sake of digital transformation, current approaches instead:  

  • Seek out ideal platforms that can better balance security, performance, and price – leveraging AI to make more informed cloud strategy decisions 
  • Prefer hybrid-cloud strategies, making workload placement decisions on a case-by-case basis 
  • Prioritize cloud cost management focusing on FinOps programs, contract rate optimization, and efficiencies in cloud resource utilization 

Interconnected Decisions with Wide-Reaching Impact 

But even as pandemic pressures have been traded for sound decision-making, the cloud remains a complex road to navigate. Far from a single consideration, cloud strategies are a web of interconnected decisions where one selection can have a cascading effect – both positive and negative – on many other areas of the business. In the end, it’s a balancing act where security, operational performance, innovation, and financial sustainability all hang in the balance.  

With AI and Generative AI spurring more cloud investments, getting innovation right requires careful considerations in solution design, connectivity, and migration planning informed by deep assessments of the existing IT estate including infrastructure, applications, and performance requirements.   

And let’s not forget about close collaboration with third-party and in-house stakeholders. 

Tangoe’s new services cover all of that. 

New Cloud Consulting Services

Tangoe Advisory Services can help IT leaders navigate cloud and network modernization whether they’re migrating workloads, troubleshooting the performance of their network and applications, or reevaluating their cloud-first strategy. 

Our new cloud consulting services expand on our existing ability to assess and optimize IaaS services. With a wider, comprehensive menu of options, clients now have both strategic and tactical support for their growing clouds – spanning private, public, and hybrid environments. The services are designed for IT leaders who wish to manage the complexities of planning, migrating, and implementing cloud transitions with minimal impact on their in-house resources. 

Focused on best practices, the new services address cloud architecture, connectivity design, and transitions to/from infrastructure as a service (IaaS). They introduce proven processes for cloud strategy and planning development, including assessments, resource rationalization, and repatriation considerations guiding IT leaders on which workloads to revert to their own private cloud or in-house servers. 

A Closer Look at the New Services Suite

Here’s a closer look at the new services and how they build on one another, offering an end-to-end cloud innovation program from conception to design and implementation. Alternatively, clients can purchase the new services a la carte.  

  • Cloud Transformation Workshop: Create a Vision for Innovation 
    Designed to help enterprises analyze their current technology state, this service identifies business requirements for a desired future state architecture – private, public, and hybrid. 
  • Cloud Network Transformation Workshop: Deliver on Your Vision with a Smart Connectivity Design 
    Offering a comprehensive evaluation of existing cloud environments and supporting systems, this workshop identifies deficiencies and recommends a future state network topology.  
  • Cloud Migration Strategy: Build a Plan to Overcome Every Obstacle 
    After assessing the current hosting environment, software, and dependencies, Tangoe will identify the portability of specific workloads to cloud environments including potential challenges that may need to be remediated before migration.     
  • Cloud Migration Planning & Implementation: Execute Flawlessly with Tactical Help from Tangoe 
    Tangoe can develop both the right migration path based upon defined business goals and technical requirements and then project-manage the implementation.    

Download the complete brochure: Tangoe Advisory Services for Cloud

Purchase Tangoe’s cloud consulting services on the AWS Marketplace

Cloud Transformation with Cost Governance at the Forefront 

The service additions were inspired by clients, reflecting Tangoe’s consultative engagements over the past few years in helping enterprises establish cloud transformation strategies with cloud cost governance at the forefront. 

With more than two decades of experience, Tangoe is versed in establishing a cloud strategy that thinks outside the box of traditional cloud-only and cloud-first approaches, designing cloud innovation with a close eye on balancing the needs of performance and governance. There aren’t many consultants that can bridge strategic innovation, tactical help, and expense management the way we do, and it’s here where Tangoe stands unique. 

Ready to speak with one of Tangoe’s cloud consultants? Contact us today for a free consultation.