Automation and Customization
Designed workflow to simplify practices
Optimized Vendor Management
Usage data imported direction from vendor portals
In-depth analytics with detail-level data
Tangoe’s automation, customized workflows, and managed services helped an energy titan gain control over their total cloud spend.
The IT finance team for one of the world’s leading oilfield service providers was responsible for managing a multi-cloud environment as well as infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud charges, creating unexpected challenges. In addition to the IaaS changes, they had to cope with ever-changing cost centers within the company. After seeing the positive benefits and cost saving value that Tangoe was providing to other parts of their business, the IT team decided to call in the experts to help them gain control to provide a cross-vendor analysis that would clarify invoice and billing methodologies, identify cost allocation challenges, and simplify reporting and analysis in order to make better buying decisions.
savings quarterly in cloud optimization
savings identified in IT cost and tax recovery
annually by IT department
Tangoe’s cloud application provided automation and customized workflows that seamlessly integrated with the IT’s financial system, providing simplified invoice collection, processing, and payment activities to accurately allocate costs. The application also provided beefed up reporting that identified all cloud computing resources across all vendors, normalized the data and consolidated the information in one centralized database categorized and linked to the appropriate tags, projects, departments and employees. Throughout the process, Tangoe’s Advisory Services (TAS) also collaborated with the IT team to provide and validate executable optimizations and recommendations.
Designed workflow to simplify practices
Usage data imported direction from vendor portals
In-depth analytics with detail-level data
Tangoe’s IaaS and TAS solutions, together, saved the company millions by replacing manual processes, converting invoices into the standard billing invoice (SBI) format for easy analysis, and enabling detailed reporting and analytics. Cost centers are now validated daily, allowing the department to accurately allocate costs and apply chargebacks to the departments and cost centers consuming the services. Tangoe continues to provide advisory services to ensure the successful implementation and management of effective, customized expense management and cost savings strategies.