Enterprises rely on a huge volume of telecom circuits and mobile devices to operate efficiently, often getting tangled in a complex web of telecommunications hardware, software, and services. It’s essential that IT and financial leaders track every line item, using IT inventory management to curb this complexity and keep costs in check.
How can you develop a comprehensive catalog that fast-tracks financial management, spotlights potential savings, and reduces waste? If you’re looking to manage an expanding list of resources, the process can seem daunting. Don’t worry – as a company that builds 750,000+ inventory records each year, Tangoe can show you how.
Creating a centralized database with limited internal resources is a herculean task. Teams tend to “wave the white flag” after weeks and months of trying to navigate different technology owners, multiple disconnected systems and refresh outdated records. If these issues bode trouble for your organization, you may want to consider technology cost management consultants who can accelerate your efforts with a professional inventory service.
Inventory service providers can catalog 75+ telecom circuits per hour.
Where will you put this data? Do you have a digital portal that can accommodate all this information, one that’s customizable to your needs and puts all information in one place where it’s searchable and usable?
The faster you can capture and update your records, the faster you can arrive at the insights you need to identify waste, optimize utilization, and save money.
IT inventory management is an ongoing process versus a one-time task. It involves continuously monitoring, tracking, and analyzing assets throughout their lifecycle to optimize usage, align resources with business needs, and sustain ROI as requirements evolve. This process includes regular audits, inventory management, invoice and contract oversight, cost optimization, and support for end-of-life assets.
Comprehensive inventory auditing services that prepare you with data for contract evaluation and usage optimization.
Inventory services are easily expanded with Tangoe’s expense management services, cost optimization services, and mobile device management services
Advanced order management tools for both telecom and mobile are also available