Cloud Cost Optimization:
6 Stats Finance Leaders Need to Know

Today every business is in the cloud, but services must be carefully managed to drive ROI. Here’s a look at the top finance challenges surrounding cloud cost optimization and how FinOps solutions solve them.
Gartner Logo

Gartner says 60% of organizations will encounter cloud cost overruns that negatively impact their business.

The Cloud Cost Conundrum

Bill Shock


of organizations are already spending more on cloud services than they budgeted

ROI Failures


of business leaders say challenges in measuring the value of the cloud prevent them from achieving cloud ROI

Compliance Challenges


of organizations report compliance and audit challenges associated with their cloud infrastructure services

Gain Sharper Cloud Controls with FinOps Solutions


of enterprises use the FinOps framework to control and optimize cloud spend


AI-powered FinOps tools cut cloud expenses by greater than 20% on average

2X Savings

Third-party FinOps tools can double your cost savings on cloud services

Benefits of a FinOps Solution


Gain visibility into cloud expenses:
Advanced analytics validate, forecast, and optimize spending


Build a culture of accountability:
Allocate costs by department or by specific IaaS tags


Apply corporate financial rules to cloud spending:
Integration streamlines cloud governance


Accelerate invoice management:
Automation reconciles invoices, finds errors, speeds approvals


Automate payments:
Bill pay services eliminate late fees and service disconnections


Simplify contract management:
Track all renewals in one place with timely reminders

Why Tangoe for FinOps Solutions?

Wide Cloud Visibility

Wide Cloud Visibility:
IaaS, SaaS,

AI-Powered FinOps

AI-Powered FinOps:

Broad Flexibility

Broad Flexibility:
Tailored Software
and Services

Trusted Solutions

Trusted Solutions:
FinOps Foundation
Premier Partner

FinOps Foundation

Make FinOps Simple with Tangoe One Cloud

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